Tuesday, February 28, 2012


Now I can't take all the credit for this.  I surf the web always looking for some good recipes; even before we started WW; some the family would say "make that again,,,it was delicious" and there were times when they would say" you DON'T have to make that AGAIN!!" 

Now that we are doing WW and trying to good food for less points, well this dish is both..lower points and "make it again".  I have made this along with FISH TACOS and ENCHILADAS....it is good by itself too.

1 1/2 cups steamed white rice (make as you usually do)

3/4 cup black beans (rinsed)

3/4 cup corn

1 large tomato, diced

1 large green onion, diced fine

2 to 4 TBSP chopped cilantro

1 TBSP fresh squeezed line juice

Make your white rice as you normally would. 

Heat beans and corn in microwave to heat them up

In a large bow, combine hot rice, heated beans and corn, diced tomato, onions, cilantro and lime juice.

Toss together and serve................enjoy!

*recipe found at skinnytaste.com

Monday, February 27, 2012

Congrats to My Husband

Today marks the end of 8 weeks for us on WW, and I am happy to say we have stuck with it and we aren't even at our first goal...

but let me  tell you my husband has done GREAT!!!

His success was celebrated at our meeting last night, and he received a 10% key chain, and as he reaches other milestones, they will continue to give him a charm to mark the occasion and he can put it on his key chain. 

He lost an additional 3 pounds this past week which has brought him to a total loss of 32.4 pounds to date......way to go!!!  He is still injured and cant do much walking on the treadmill, but he now coaching Jailene in softball, so the constant moving is still helping him.

I am also close to my  10% too...I lost an additional 1.4 pounds this past week, making my total loss to date 23.6 pounds.  I still have not started any real form of exercise routine, but I am still losing at a healthy rate every week.

It has been a challenge and there are those days you run out of ideas of what to eat.  Having a partner; either a friend, your spouse; a group of friends; help keep you accountable and gives you the support you need to continue on.  I am really glad Tommy and I are doing this together, its made cooking and snacking a lot easier for me.  I lost 25 pounds on WW over 6 years ago before my mom's cancer got worse.  IT was hard to do when Tommy or the kids were eating whatever they wanted.  So I know the program works, but it seems so much easier this time with the family on board. 

So if you need a support system to do WW and feel like you are alone, give Tommy and I call, we would love to support you on your ........"road to fabulous"

Tuesday, February 21, 2012


So as I said I have been asked to put some more recipes that we have tried and that taste good.  So I am going to try and put one up a week to share how we have changed our eating habits and how we have still had great tasting dishes we enjoy.... hope you enjoy it too!

Creamy Mexican Dip

1 cup pain fat free yougurt, Geek variety recommended ( its not bad honest)
1/2 c fat free salsa, hot or mild ( your choice)
1/2 medium avacado, diced
1/3 cup fesh cilantro, chopped
1/2 small uncooked red onion, chopped
1/2 tsp ground cumin

1/4 medium avacdo, diced
1 TBSP cilamtro, chopped
1TBSP uncooked red onion, chopped

In a medium bow, stir together yougurt and salsa until blended; stir in remaining ingredents except what is needed for the garnish (set aside).  Cover and chill.  When ready to serve, stir and sprinkle with the granishes you have set aside.

Serve with fresh veggies or pits chips
1/4 cup serving is 2 points

I made this for us for on Superbowl Sunday.  It was really good, I even had some left and took it to work with some veggies...a great snack and LOW points!!!

Quick Check In

Just a quick note on our weigh in last night...

...after a mini vacay in Vegas this past week(buffets), no real tracking (bad idea) and LOTS of eating out (busy schedule) I am happy to announce that Tommy lost an additional 2.4 pounds for a total of 29.4 pounds to date....I am so excited for him!!

I also lost even though it was a CraZy week, I lost an additional 1.2 pounds and to date have lost a total of 22.2 pounds.

This weeks goal :BACK TO BETTER TRACKING....it is an important key to reaching your goals

Thursday, February 16, 2012


 So we stopped in to do our weekly weigh in as we were headed out of town for a mini vacay to celebrate Valentine's Day", doing our best to stay on track.

I went on the scale first and i am so happy to announce I lost another 3.6 pounds and after 6 weeks have lost a to total of 21 pounds....I am happy to say I also did some shopping (of course) while in Vegas and was able to buy some new clothes one size SMALLER!!!!  I am hoping to start some exercising this week not that we are back on a somewhat normal schedule.

Tommy , who is still injured and still having to wear his "moon boot" was next to weigh in and he ALSO lost 3.6 pounds this past week.  The lady was how weird we lost the exact same amount.  SO after 6 weeks Tommy has lost a total of 27 pounds, passing the halfway point of his goal.  He (at next meeting) will receive a wight for his goal thus far.  I also did some shopping for him in Vegas and was able to buy him a size smaller TOO!!

I think doing this experience together is being amazing and the support we give each other helps us to maintain and strive to reach our goals.  We are pretty open about we what we are doing to people and hope our success has brought some encouragement to others.  We actually have a few friends who will joining and attending meeting with us.

The more you talk about it and share the more you find out there are more of us there trying our best to reach that healthy level of life.  Last weekend it felt like a mini WW meeting with a few of the moms.  I think supporting each other is an important fact to succeeding in whatever your goal is.

I have been asked to put some more recipes on here so tomorrow I will be putting a "Creamy Mexican Dip" that I made for Superbowl Sunday for us.  It's a simple WW recipe I found...hope you like it.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Switching it Up a Bit

So we attend our weekly meetings on Mondays night, we have not missed a weigh in, but we did have to leave and miss one of the meetings due to a conflict with a another commitment.

The meetings are a big help with some great ideas and great support from the others who attend the meeting at that date and time. We give ideas to help each other out and to help with an area we might be stuck at. (ie recipes, eating out, etc)

Now this week the subject was tracking ( which is like a journal) but the twist was to start your day of tracking at dinner, since they seems to be the biggest meal of the day.  Doing it this way, lets you use the majority of points and then use what is left you can spread out for your breakfast and lunch, which tend to be your smaller meals anyways.

Today is the 3rd day of  "switching it up"...its kind of interesting to see how many points you have left doing it this way.  Your goal is to eat as close to your points as possible, and trust me I do.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Day 34

....and this is where we stand

Tommy lost another half pound (he is injured and can't do his daily walking) and he still lost something which brings his total weight lost to a 23.4 pounds in 34 days.

and I found myself with a good loss this week of 4.4 pounds, bringing my total after 34 days to 17.4 pounds!! and I still haven't started any walking program yet...we have been crazy busy...imagine what my loss would be if I actually got moving??

So we continue to move forward with this commitment to a healthier and longer life...

Monday, February 6, 2012


OMG....ever since I returned home from Houston, it has been one CRAZY week at our house...

so I am a week behind in my blogging....we did make it to WW at least to weigh in, weren't able to stay for the meeting.  We had to get to softball try-outs (yup, another hat Tommy is gong to wear) and then he had the draft the same night.

Our weigh ins were good for us both, I mean actually I didn't lose any OR gain any, stayed the same.  Tommy on the other hand lost an additional 3.8 pounds bring him to a total  weight lose of 23.2 pounds!!!

He continues to walk everyday after work on the treadmill about 30 minutes.  I have been meaning to walk and I can't seem to find the time to fit it in my schedule...we need a treadmill at work too I guess!

Fast forward to today, Monday Feb 6th.....I still need to put up a picture to record our first 30 days on WW, also we will go and see what this week has brought both of us.