Monday, February 6, 2012


OMG....ever since I returned home from Houston, it has been one CRAZY week at our house...

so I am a week behind in my blogging....we did make it to WW at least to weigh in, weren't able to stay for the meeting.  We had to get to softball try-outs (yup, another hat Tommy is gong to wear) and then he had the draft the same night.

Our weigh ins were good for us both, I mean actually I didn't lose any OR gain any, stayed the same.  Tommy on the other hand lost an additional 3.8 pounds bring him to a total  weight lose of 23.2 pounds!!!

He continues to walk everyday after work on the treadmill about 30 minutes.  I have been meaning to walk and I can't seem to find the time to fit it in my schedule...we need a treadmill at work too I guess!

Fast forward to today, Monday Feb 6th.....I still need to put up a picture to record our first 30 days on WW, also we will go and see what this week has brought both of us.

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