Tuesday, February 21, 2012


So as I said I have been asked to put some more recipes that we have tried and that taste good.  So I am going to try and put one up a week to share how we have changed our eating habits and how we have still had great tasting dishes we enjoy.... hope you enjoy it too!

Creamy Mexican Dip

1 cup pain fat free yougurt, Geek variety recommended ( its not bad honest)
1/2 c fat free salsa, hot or mild ( your choice)
1/2 medium avacado, diced
1/3 cup fesh cilantro, chopped
1/2 small uncooked red onion, chopped
1/2 tsp ground cumin

1/4 medium avacdo, diced
1 TBSP cilamtro, chopped
1TBSP uncooked red onion, chopped

In a medium bow, stir together yougurt and salsa until blended; stir in remaining ingredents except what is needed for the garnish (set aside).  Cover and chill.  When ready to serve, stir and sprinkle with the granishes you have set aside.

Serve with fresh veggies or pits chips
1/4 cup serving is 2 points

I made this for us for on Superbowl Sunday.  It was really good, I even had some left and took it to work with some veggies...a great snack and LOW points!!!

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