Monday, April 23, 2012

So where we are now...

It has almost been 4 months sine Tommy and I started WW...and with our busy and hectic life, its amazing how we have had the ability to keep it up...we unfortunately have not been to weigh in in two weeks, so today we made sure we made time t go and weigh in before we had to run off to another softball game....

so our latest numbers are:
 for Tommy...he has lost 46.2 pounds....he is knocking on the door of his goal of 50 pounds..only 3.8 to go
for me...I have lost 34 pounds...putting me 16 away from the goal of 50...the goal Tommy set for both us.

It feels as if this month as been a little slow in the TOTAL pound lost but we are still on the losing track.  We have totally redone our eating habits and now we need to step out the exercise portion of our journey.

Can't wait to see what is next as we continue on our journey of 50 and fabulous...the road to getting there

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