Tuesday, January 10, 2012

The Moment of TRUTH......

So yesterday was one week on WW for me and Tom.  The moment of truth of what we had done the past week was about to be revealed.  We knew we had stayed within our daily points, even the eating out we did.  Tom had even started walking on the treadmill at work, where as I have not started any form of really exercise regimine as of yet.

So we had dinner prior to going to our meeting, which I was like we shouldn't eat first, it will be worse in the long run.  But we did, and actually had a great diiner.  I made TEX MEX Meatloaf, from a recipe Tom had found in a WW cookbook someone at work had.  (side note to self: Put recipe on this blog)

I am happy to report it was a SUCCESSFUL week for both Tom and I.  He lost 8.4 pounds and I lost 6 pounds.  We were so surprised at the numbers...but very proud of what we has accomplished in such a short time....only a week.

We are on our way to "50 and FABULOUS".....

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